A wise man once said that education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom, this man was George Washington Carver. education has helped people around the world it has given us grate medicine and technology and has advanced our day to day life . with out education we would still be stuck in the stone age, and I know some people that say, I quote {I can not live with out my phone}.
the first step to getting a good education and getting into a good college is getting a high GPA. GPA means {Grade Point Average}I have read that children that at least spend one or two hours studding can get a good GPA.this tells you where you are and how well you are doing if you go to a college that ask to look at your over all GPA with a high GPA you have nothing to worry about. but firs lets talk about the SAT.
The second thing you must do is get a high SAT score. The SAT is a test that you take when you are in the 11th grade. this is what college's look at,facts about two million students take the SAT every year. Taking the SAT is very important if you want to go to college . now if you have tried and got a high SAT score it is time to choose your college
you must pick a highly ranked college and have an interest in mind that you want to study .
this way you know what you want to be or do so you can study that subject . if you are trying to get into a really high college you can try some of these Stanford, Duke, and others knowing what you want to study is very important because that need's to be your focus and gold.
Navigating college and high school is difficult but with a little effort you can make the right moves
and you can be one of those people who help to develop our world giving us a better place to live and grow all you need is a
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